the clubhouse
The Clubhouse was the first rewrite of the customer account management website.
Plenty of custom feeds and API integrations.
Some of the websites I have worked on over the years
Most are gone or upgraded by now, but a few are still kicking around
Some I implemented the designs on, I worked on the backends for all of them, and designed only one of them (no points for guessing which one)
some are dead and gone (as these things go)
The Clubhouse was the first rewrite of the customer account management website.
Plenty of custom feeds and API integrations.
Partner booking system for offline trainings.
A sad result of myself having to design the theme (simple, functional and never again).
Written by myself from the ground up, still used to some degree.
My first project at UW.
Very modular, with modules swapped out and upgraded as the company changed internal API's.
Managed to drop calls to one of the departments by a significant degree, allowing the team to focus on other tasks.
Business customers sales portal.
Essentialy unchanged, at the time of creation it was essentialy a copy of the residential sales portal.
Second revision of the customer account management portal.
Complete rewrite from the previous version.
Second revision of the customer sales portal.
Modular, multiple API integrations (payments, credit check, land registry, address checkers and others), custom API integrations (intermediary sql tables, automated imports of orders from the web).
Allowed the company to move from paper signups to 60% automated account creation.
Third revision of the residential sales portal.
Pushed automated account creation to >90%.
Modules from previous version recycled, and delivered on a short timeframe in time for a company salesforce conference.
Just a few of the projects I implemented at sote (over 10 years ago)
The customer was VERY demanding in the details of the theme, but it came out beautiful.
SOTE backend, with a number of custom mods.
Another custom theme, with a lovely and clean end result.
Also a few custom mods, also based on soteshop.
Personal projects ive worked on, unrelated to other employment
Simple wordpress site that I put together for a friend.
Free theme (slightly tweaked), my preferred selection of plugins, helped out with the copy.
Literally the first website I ever built - long gone now.
Static html generated with free pascal from csv files.
http://www.mozaiki-bez-granic.pl/Poznan's cultural centres main web property.
Since upgraded, but I'm still proud of that one.
Collab with a friend back from Poland.
A platform to manage uni projects, with ACL's, forums, file management and others.
I'm a web developer, stands to reason I should have a website.
I had many before it, including my own image gallery for friends and family, forums, test installations and others. Those were self hosted at my house, dyndns etc.
This is where i started paying for hosting.
Vanilla PHP, free theme, and just 3 pages in total.
Check it hereThe old site was getting dated, wasn't responsive etc.
This one is a static html page. It was nice, and I only just updated it recently to this (__self__) :)
Check it here